The Wild Look

with Studio Fludd

10 June 2023
11:00 - 13:00
The wild gaze is an observation laboratory based on the book-project of the same name, born in several European botanical gardens. The theme is the insistence of gazing, an instrument that is never neutral and difficult to domesticate. Drawing to see more and better, imagining new ecosystems with mixed techniques. A personal and collective moment to slow down and perceive the objects of nature with more precision and more vagueness.

Participation fee is €10 per person. The workshop shall take place with a minimum of 15 participants.
The €10 participation fee has to be added to the Circolo del Design membership.
Admission to Circolo del Design is reserved for members: membership fee €10 (valid for 12 months). If you are not a member, you can make the card online or directly at Circolo, before the start of the event.
To avoid unpleasant delay, we recommend that you show up 15 minutes in advance.


Studio Fludd

Studio Fludd

Multidisciplinary design collective that experiments with mixtures between creative concept development, visual arts, exhibits and graphic design, styling and set design, with fluidity of techniques and languages. Founded in Venice in 2008, the studio is now based in Turin, and is composed of Sara Maragotto, Eleonora Diana, Chiara Costa and Caterina Gabelli.