May Contain
of Forest

The story of scientific research in forestry is intertwined, in this exhibition, with that of experimentation, conception and production in the design field, offering a glimpse into the dense, capillary and pervasive system of relationships that links human civilizations to forest ecosystems - to be observed and reinterpreted with ever new methods, languages and transformative practices.
From everyday artifacts to innovative material experiments in the industrial field, from pioneering initiatives by emerging designers to poetic - and sometimes political - stories by designers who have thoroughly studied their context of intervention, to the wonder-rich discoveries of the science world, from the micro to the macro scale. Through these multiple approaches, scientific research and design return some of the possible perspectives on how to reconcile the use and conservation of ecosystems, while, at the same time, carrying out evidence of overcoming nature-culture dualism. Approaches made of attempts, experiments and multidirectional explorations, which can push us to feel ourselves as an active part of the complex system of relationships in the forest ecosystem, mediated by objects and material production.

9 June 2023
15 December 2023

Circolo del Design
via San Francesco da Paola 17, Torino

Designers and artists

CARA \ DAVIDE, Anda Lupaşcu, Madeleine Oltra, Karolina Metrak, Tamara Orjola, Leonardo Perina, Laura Pugno, Angelo Renna e Oleksandr Nenenko, Alessandro Ruzzier, Basse Stittgen, Studio Fludd, Studio Sarmite.


During the festival, Circolo del Design presents a site-specific interactive installation designed and developed by the students of the Master of Arts in Interaction Design (MAinD) of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), in Mendrisio.
Treemate is an immersive journey that, through an interactive quiz, brings together the user and the different types of trees present on the Piedmontese soil, based on the affinities detected. The interaction takes place through two action buttons and a central scanner, illuminated in turn to communicate their status to the user and guide them in the experience.