Greenery is a collective project. Dialogue on Turin.  

with Enrico Bonanate, Giorgio Brizio, Stefano Olivari, Alessandra Stefani, Francesco Tresso; Moderator: Lorenzo Cresci

11 June 2023
15:00 - 16:30
Environmental sustainability is first and foremost a collective responsibility. The meeting crosses the perspectives of people representing different institutions, organizations and citizen and national movements to think and rethink forms of policy making useful to build tools suitable for the challenges posed by the climate crisis.


Enrico Bonanate

Enrico Bonanate

He was born in Turin in 1977 and is the Director of PAV – Parco Arte Vivente di Torino, conceived by Piero Gilardi. PAV includes an open-air exhibition site and an interactive museum intended as a meeting place and laboratory experiences aimed at the dialogue between art and nature, biotechnology and ecology, between the public and artists.

Giorgio Brizio

Giorgio Brizio

Climate rights activist who carries out political battles and awareness-raising initiatives. He collaborates with newspapers such as La Stampa, Domani, La Repubblica, Il Fatto Quotidiano, Corriere della Sera and blogs. His first book, Non siamo tutti sulla stessa barca, was published by Slow Food Editore in 2021.

Stefano Olivari

Stefano Olivari

Landscaper who lives in Turin, his projects range from the territorial scale to the smallest one of private gardens. Together with the sociologist Matteo Baldo, since 2010 he has worked on the Orti Generali project, a social enterprise established in Turin in 2019, with the aim of making aggregation, social inclusion and innovation through urban agriculture.

Alessandra Stefani

Alessandra Stefani

Doctor of Forestry, in 1987 she joined the State Forestry Corps; in 2014 she was promoted to Deputy National Head of the Corps. In 2017 she was elected Ordinary Academician by the Assembly of the Council of the Italian Academy of Forestry Sciences and in 2021 Corresponding Academician by the Academy of Georgophiles. Today she is Director General of Forests at the Ministry for Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies.

Francesco Tresso

Francesco Tresso

Born in Turin in 1962, from 2021 he is Councillor for the care of the city, public green, parks and riverbanks of the City of Turin. An engineering graduate, he specialized in the fields of environmental and territorial planning, with particular reference to the management of water resources and infrastructure design, working for important engineering companies and gaining significant experience abroad in international cooperation projects.